Damian Green

Software Developer

Case Study | Datto

Datto reached out with a requirement to rebuild their flagship RMM product.

Datto Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) is a secure cloud-based RMM platform. You can remotely secure, monitor, and manage endpoints to reduce costs and improve network efficiency.

The initial brief was to build out a new piece of dashboarding functionality to allow customers to gain insight into their estate of devices.

This was achieved by building a Typescript ReactJS application hosted alongside their existing product. It allowed for resizable, draggable widgets which gave instant insight into offline device counts, patch status, and more. Customer feedback was positive and we were able to iterate quickly in response to feedback. On the back of this success we continued to work to build out their entire product using latest cloud based tech, leveraging the power and simplicity of GraphQL and the type safety and refactorability of Typescript.

rmm dashboard

Network Discovery

rmm dashboard

Another notable feature that we built out was a network discovery feature. This allows customers to see a topology of their network through an SNMP scan from the RMM Network Node agent. Device types / operating systems are visually represented and user-configured device alerts are easily identifiable. The topology can be drilled into and collapsed to investigate certain regions of the network. There were interesting challenges to be tackled here with regard to how best to represent this data visually in a performant manner.

More information on the RMM product can be found here


total Objects

About Me

I've been coding since 1987 starting with the Amiga 68K Assembler days and it has been my passion ever since. Recently, I've been coding mostly with Typescript and ReactJS, with a long history of full-stack development using C# and .Net. I strive to keep up-to-date with technology. My CV can be found here.

I give back to the developer community by helping to answer questions on StackOverflow. My StackOverflow profile is here. My LinkedIn profile can be found here
When I'm not working or parenting I like to paint. I've been painting with water-based oils for a few years now and I continue to learn. See my Instagram

This site

This site was built in part to learn NextJS / Tailwind / Vercel and partly as a web presence. The repository for this site can be found here. Background images generated with Stable Diffusion.